We're back! (At the Building that is)

It’s official, we’re back to hosting Sunday Services live and in-person at the Highland Christian Center! Don’t worry though, we will still be live streaming all of our services - so if you’re nervous or unable to attend in person, we got you covered.

Services at this moment will follow local government mandate, which means we will social distance inside the building and wear masks. We are strongly encouraging that if you don’t feel safe or healthy, please attend virtually to take care of those who are immunocompromised in our fellowship.

When you enter the building expect to have your temperature taken and sign in - this is per Highland Christian Center guidelines, so they’re able to alert everyone attending service in case a case of COVID was detected in the fellowship. We will also have a sticker system that shows everyone your level of comfort with contact and distance.

We love you and can’t wait to see you tomorrow!