New Year Workshop: Disciples in Motion Training and Insight


Due to ongoing construction at the Old Laurelhurst church, we will be changing the location of all workshop sessions tomorrow to Johnson Chapel on the campus of Western Seminary: 16300, 1S2E06AC, Portland, OR 97215.

We will be meeting in the basement of the building, so make sure you leave your home with enough time to find where we are!

Our New Years Workshop is coming up and we wanted to invite you to join us.

The workshop will take place from January 10th to January 12th. Our guest speaker Timothy Sumerlin, who is an experienced therapist and counselor in our Churches of Christ congregation, will guide us through a weekend of training around key concepts around Grief, Anxiety and Depression and some basic tools anyone can utilize to help the loved ones around them. This is an opportunity to learn how we can be a support and resource for our brothers an sisters in need and to understand our boundaries and expertise limits.

Here is a bit about our guest speaker Tim Sumerlin in his own words:

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"My passion continues to be building counseling programs and groups that strengthen and energize the church. Disciples In Motion, The Grief Recovery groups, and my classes are designed for effective and sustainable change and align with the current structure of the Churches of Christ.

In Motion style groups have the potential to meet many counseling needs in your congregation, bring in new visitors, and renew the spirit of your church!

God's plan is clear–we are to meet the needs of each other in HIS church - sending members to expensive and often ineffective private counseling is not the only way to achieve change!

I work before, during and after my seminars to help build a sustainable program in your church that allows for ongoing change!"

— Timothy Sumerlin

Check out Tim's Website for more details on the topics below and his credentials.

New Year Workshop Schedule:

Location: All events will be at the Johnson Chapel at Western Seminary (no longer Old Laurelhurst church)
Dates: Jan 10th-12th, 2020

Friday 7:30-9:00 PM Insights of a 12 Year Old (whole church)
Saturday 9-11 AM Grief (for anyone)
Saturday 1-4 PM Disciples In Motion (whole church)
Sunday 2:30-4 PM Mental Health Worship Service (whole church. Anxiety and Depression issues will be ministered to especially during this time)