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Harvest Baskets this November 24th

This November we are celebrating the holidays with an exciting opportunity to serve the community around us. We're partnering with a local organization called Home Forward to collect food for 100 Harvest Baskets we will be giving out to families in need! If you're interested in helping us make an impact on the community around us, you can help in one of three ways:

  1. Bring non-perishable foods to church each Sunday in November

  2. Bring frozen turkeys (or frozen chickens) to church on Sunday, November 24th

  3. Volunteer to drive and deliver baskets on Sunday, November 24th

To volunteer, reach out to Carol Gaumond after service on Sundays! She'll be near the entrance collecting signatures of volunteers who are interested in donating and helping.

We look forward to serving our community alongside you!

"With my mouth I will greatly extol the Lord; in the great throng of worshipers I will praise him. For he stands at the right hand of the needy, to save their lives from those who would condemn them."

Psalm 109:30-31